报告题目:Modeling air-sea interfacial processes for surface flux parameterizations
报告人:美国Scripps海洋研究所 张欣研究员
报告时间: 2014年10月14日星期二 上午10:00
报告内容简介:Air-sea gas exchange is a very challenging inter-discipline problem. Paraterazations are still primitive, for example, in forms of empirical relation of wind speed (Wanninkhof, R. et al 2009. Advances in quantifying air sea gas exchange and environmental forcing. Ann. Rev. Marine Sci. 1, 213?-244 ). At low wind speeds, latent heat flux rather than wind stress is the dominate forcing in generating surface turbulence that controls surface transfer. At high speeds, asymmetric bubble mediated transfer is also overlooked.
The interface gas transfer velocity is inversely proportional to the thickness of molecular diffusive layer. We have proposed that the molecular diffusive layer depth can be characterized by Batchelor microscale . Its relation with surface forcing, heat flux and wind stress, is found based on instability scaling analysis. In a separate calculation, asymmetric bubble mediated gas transfer is found to be very significant for global CO2 ocean uptake.